Third World War As An Unseen ‘Cloud’

A past prophetic alignment of the Second World War with our Third World War today as unseen ‘cloud’…

”We had been living a hidden vision for years. It was an effect of the long war. England had been a prison. Even the sky was closed and, like convicts, we had been driven to dwelling on fancies in our dreary minds. In the cinema the camera sucks some person forward into an enormous close-up and holds a face there yards wide, filling the whole screen, all holes and pores, like some sucking octopus that might eat up an audience many rows at a time.”
…a quote given in my review of a VS Pritchett work here:

And I also can’t actually believe the final story in the latest edition of Black Static – and its prophetic relevance to our current virus circumstances !!!!!!!
See my review:

Black Static #74