THE SATYR & Other Tales


THE SATYR & Other Tales – by Stephen J. Clark

The Swan River Press MMXV

My previous reviews HERE of work by Stephen J. Clark, much of which has been rewritten and republished for the above new book that I have just purchased.

My previous reviews HERE of books published by The Swan River Press.

If I re-assess this work, it will eventually be found in the thought stream below or by clicking on this post’s title above.

4 thoughts on “THE SATYR & Other Tales

  1. I don’t usually read Introductions until I have read and reviewed the fiction itself. However, bearing in mind that the whole book seems to be a rewritten version of two previous books that I read and reviewed 3 or 4 years ago (reviews linked above), I thought it would be appropriate to first read the Author’s Preface which, I find, gives the strong impression that the author was rushed by deadlines when producing the texts of the two previous books, and thus, in his mind, didn’t do justice to himself or to the works.
    This book is a ‘salvage’ job, we are told. I keep my powder dry.
    But, if I read these new versions, do I do a line by line comparison with the original ones to make some judgement as to the worth of the respective versions? Based on the tenets of the Intentional Fallacy, I do not slavishly believe that the author has improved the works with his revisions, unless I prove that for myself.
    Meanwhile, with all the various unread books in my reading and reviewing pipeline and with my resistance against academic or studious comparisons (and the hard work involved!), I do not at this stage feel able to undertake a proper re-appraisal of this new book.
    I may however read the revised book cold, for enjoyment, without
    real-time reviewing it, bearing in mind that my memory is not good enough to make any worthwhile comments about the necessity of this new book’s existence, other than, of course, to bring it to a bigger readership, which is fair enough.
    Bringing it to a new readership, yes, but the questions remain whether the original luxury book versions represent what the independent powers in Fiction Heaven or Fiction Hell always intended, and whether the new versions are accidents of over-revision without the original ‘rushed’ or spontaneous inspirational flair?

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