2 More Hawlings…

Two extracts from my real-time reviews today….


From here: https://dflewisreviews.wordpress.com/2016/09/01/written-with-my-left-hand-nugent-barker/

imageTHE SIX

“…whenever he stretched out an arm, exceedingly calmly and slowly, delicately shaping his fingers, it was always as though he had no need to steady himself, but to steady the thing that he touched.”

A shocking short short as a grizzled pub drunk wanders the breakwaters at dusk, as he often does, with his shotgun…. Anything more said would be a spoiler for this genuine masterpiece.

“Groyne after groyne: as far as his sight could reach, there were groynes, closing together with the distance, and he had seen them, clambered over them, stepped over them into white puddles, or skirted the ends of them, all the years of his life.”


From here: https://cernzoo.wordpress.com/the-big-book-of-science-fiction/#comment-362

DAY OF WRATH by Sever Gansovsky
Translated by James Womack

“Now we will all know that to be a man it is not enough to be able to count and to study geometry.”

With the Beckettian feel of Evenson’s Collapse of Horses, the journalist accompanies the forester across the mesa. A world where scientific humankind has inadvertently – or by a strange set of coincidences regarding bifurcated life-paths explained towards the end – created animals called Otarks, that are more human than humans, with maths skills coupled with cannibalism. It is a direct template for today’s Daesh State, where animals use electronic social media. A story where, for one rare time, didacticism actually works. Memorable perpetuo moto as inverse tontine…

“Even the children didn’t laugh.”

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