The Drogulus Descried


As presaged by the previous story above and its ‘Nonsense Society’… we go forward in time (or perhaps back) to the next previous story…


…a potentially hilarious story of another such society, now meeting upon the firm base of a meeting room made available by a firm of Estate Agents… multi-viewpoint theatrics of well-characterised individual personalities and their paranormal quirks, discussions that even outdo the Fortean Times, not only exploring the Unknown but also the unknown Unknown! The speech tonight by someone is of the Snapjackets, jilkies, mormoleens and Whispering Petes in a retrocausal extravaganza (whereby the travel of gluey Zenoism is backwards), and where even the legendary times of lockdowns etc. are more than just envisageable.
I see myself as also a sort of scryer of unknown unknowns, those in literature, such as seeing things that are not there. Like the ‘covered market’ here being a reference to a Covid Market. And I would add another word to the list above: DROGULUS, now a real word (Google it!), a word said to be invented by (A.J.) Ayer or Air.
My name’s Des and I’m just such a drogulus! A Remainer not a Lever.

“…air-kissing hello to everybody.”

Full context of the above here:


Towards The Drogulus:

The EXUNGULATION of the DROGULUS (a short short published in The Last Balcony Book about ten years ago):

For all the mentions of ‘DROGULUS’ in my book reviews, please Google that word and ‘nullimmortalis’.

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