The Self-Visitor From Porlock

Extract from my review today of THE EMPTY CHAIR here:


“The fairy dust is non-transferable. Each work exists in its own hermetic universe… And Potter was a genius, and I’m a… journeyman.”
My whole gestalt real-time reviewing project has been instinctively linked to this preternatural leaking ‘edge’ of semi-plagiarism and natural or occult cross-currents within an overarching Jungian gestalt. Filters working both ways. That fairy dust not hermetically sealed after all, and indeed imbued with outside real life and events happening by happenstance as you read inspirational ‘fiction’ books likes this one. In fact, a certain person (in the last few days as I read this book) made a speech featuring Kermit the Frog, one where he also peered at his own projection of The Empty Chair as a therapeutic or confessional device or at least as a temporary parking-space for his guilt-ridden self, as he effectively described his own personality disorder within that very speech! — viz. “We still cling with part of our minds to the infantile belief that the world was made for our gratification and pleasure and we combine this narcissism with an assumption of our own immortality. We believe that someone else will clear up the mess, because that is what someone else has always done”. Check it out. He became a version of Steve’s own self-visitor from Porlock!

“…the fault lines would be clearly visible and the ending a looming inevitability.”

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